A new era of implantology

Discover the natural power of regeneration with our bioresorbable implants

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bone illustration

Cyberbone offers innovative medical solutions in the form of implants and hydrogels, personalized and life-changing for patients.

The organization has implemented a quality management system ISO 13485:2016 dedicated to the medical devices sector. The quality management system ensures the highest quality in design, manufacturing, and services provided.


Discover the opportunity to improve the quality of life with our range of implants and hydrogels.


Introducing a pioneering individualized medical 3D implants, precisely customized to the anatomical structures of a particular patient This revolutionary medical device is based on bioresorbable materials, including innovative bone-forming filaments that promote natural bone regeneration.

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Image of CYBERBONE technology


CyberTissue is the latest technological solution for the treatment of bone defects. It is a thermosensitive, bioresorbable chitosan - based hydrogel system with fillers made of biomaterials with osteoinductive and osteoconductive properties.

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Image of CYBERTISSUE technology


Discover the innovative line of cosmetics formulated on chitosan and hydroxyapatite, stimulating the natural self-renewal of the skin, hair and nails.

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Image of CYBERSKIN technology


Introducing microcrystalline chitosan ( MCCh) in the form of a suspension, characterized by high purity and approved for medical applications.

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Image of CYBERCHITO technology


Introducing radiation sterilized water (35 kGy), demineralized with purity class 1, approved for pharmaceutical applications.

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Image of CYBERAQUA technology
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Partnering with leading professionals, we aim to achieve and uphold the highest standards of quality and safety.

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Our Story

Explore our inspiring story, igniting change along the way.

Our History

The passion for innovation and a commitment to revolutionize the field of healthcare commenced in 2007 when we started researching the area of non 3-d printed implants made of bioresorbable materials. With a dedicated team of visionary scientists, engineers, and doctors, we set out to push the boundaries of medical technology, taking first steps on the way to 3D printed implants in 2013. The pursuit of excellence led us to collaborate with the experts in the industry and partner with the leading universities. Through years of research and development, we harnessed cutting-edge technologies to pioneer groundbreaking solutions. With the implementation of ISO 13485 standards in 2023, we demonstrate our commitment to delivering safe, effective, and reliable medical solutions to healthcare professionals and patients worldwide.

Our Team

Our Mission

At Cyberbone, our mission is to pioneer transformative advancements in healthcare, using cutting-edge technologies to craft first-of-its-kind solutions that redefine personalized care. We strive to revolutionize patient care, setting new global standards and empowering individuals to live healthier lives.

Advanced technologies


Fully customized products


Safe and accessible


Cyberbone envisions a future where personalized healthcare is the norm, ensuring every individual has access to tailor-made medical solutions. By dedication and commitment to excellence in all that we do, we want to push the boundaries of medical technology to improve patient care and enhance lives worldwide.

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Our Team

Our team comprises of highly specialized scientists, designers, engineers, and medical experts, who have collaboratively developed our groundbreaking products. Get to know the brilliant minds behind Cyberbone innovative solutions.

At its core, a company is its people. The potential of our team is immeasurable.

Marcin Wątrobiński


Co-owner and CEO. A lawyer by profession, for over a decade engaged in projects involving the use of biomaterials in medicine. Responsible for management area and quality management system.

Image of Marcin Wątrobiński

Marek Wyleżoł

University professor and head of the Department of Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering at the Silesian Technical University. At Cyberbone, he specializes in virtual modeling using haptic voxel systems. He is mainly involved in the design and modeling of personalized bioresorbable bone implants (including skull, jaw, and long bone implants).

Image of Marek Wyleżoł

Małgorzata Muzalewska

Assistant Professor at the Department of Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering of the Silesian Technical University. At Cyberbone, she specializes in processing medical imaging, creating virtual 3D models of anatomical structures, including bone defects.She is also responsible for assisting in the conceptualization of geometric shapes of implants using AI algorithms.

Image of Małgorzata Muzalewska

Monika Knitter

Employee of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Poznań University of Technology. At Cyberbone, she is a specialist in the selection, modification, and manufacturing of polymeric biomaterials used in regenerative medicine, particularly in bone tissue engineering. Her ultimate task is to produce an optimal intermediate product in the form of modified granules for further shaping into filaments.

Image of Monika Knitter

Monika Dobrzyńska - Mizera

Assistant professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Poznan University of Technology. At Cyberbone, she is a specialist in the selection, modification, and manufacturing of polymeric biomaterials used in regenerative medicine, particularly in bone tissue engineering.

Image of Monika Dobrzyńska - Mizera

Jacek Andrzejewski

Assistant Professor at the Plastics Processing Department of Technical University of Poznań. Designer of customized bone defect implants by 3D space printing.

Image of Jacek Andrzejewski

Anna Ostrowska

Quality Manager

Quality manager and quality management system representative for medical devices. At Cyberbone, she is responsible for regulatory compliance and quality assurance.

Image of Anna Ostrowska


Welcome to Cyberbone Lab, Where Innovation Meets Precision

Our Laboratory

Kobaltowa 6


Our state-of-the-art laboratory in Poznań is equipped with cutting-edge technology and manned by a team of expert scientists and engineers. Here we design our pioneering products, ensuring they meet the highest standards of quality and safety.


By collaborating with top experts in the field, Cyberbone ensures the highest quality of products and services. Our commitment to partnering with the best ensures that we deliver innovative solutions that meet the rigorous standards of excellence and safety the patients expect.


Doctor’s inquiry regarding the case

Case Analysis

Cyberbone experts analise the specific case and its needs.

Implant Design

Fully customized implant is engineered in the Cyberbone laboratory

Medical Procedure

Impant delivery to the hospital/ clinic where the medical prcedure takes place.


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